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Shop online with FREE UK delivery. ProWork现在已成为我们团队工作中不可缺少的管理工具,它让我非常方便地为组内成员安排每周的工作, 让我非常高效的安排任务排期,并输出团队每周工作邮件,节省了宝贵的时间; 用了ProWork以后团队工作更加透明化,让每一个成员都更有计划的进行工作。 PRO WORK as a 'centre of excellence' is a public body and has an independent entity. PRO WORK was founded in the Netherlands as a result of a number of national and international projects. The experience of PRO WORK has enabled the development of a broad range of methods, instruments and techniques, both on operational and political levels.