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How to use Forlorn in a sentence. 3. Forlorn definition, desolate or dreary; unhappy or miserable, as in feeling, condition, or appearance. 4.
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No more striking contrast can be found between forlorn conditions and refined art products. forlorn = hopeless She stood behind the counter with a forlornlook in her eyes. Forlorn definition, desolate or dreary; unhappy or miserable, as in feeling, condition, or appearance. See more. EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB "I wasn't joking last night when I told Goodell that this was something of a forlorn hope," he said. RAW GOLD BERTRAND W. SINCLAIR "The high and mighty sent me out to lead a forlorn hope," Mac dryly responded. Marjorie looked lonely, forlorn, dejected and miserable.we passed thru what appear to be a ghost-town with forlorn tumbledown buildings and forlorn landscapes that dominated the scene, and to our Use forlorn in a sentence?
Use it to describe the slightly pensive or forlorn feeling a person gets work on word/sentence reduction: in some countries, reducing words and sentences can be seen as informal but in the United States, it's completely normal and Forlornly By looking at example sentences with the word Forlorned, you can easily learn the use of Forlorned in English sentence. However, you need to apply sound: forlorn sentence in Hindi The boat goes on its way , no one knows where , and the poet is left behind on the bank , forlorn . नाव अपनी दिशा Read the definitions of forlorn.
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It'seemed a forlorn hope that we would find a taxi. 2.
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But the oversize bookcase sits forlorn, close to empty. My trees, entering their second winter, look forlorn. Few stocks seem more forlorn than neglected initial public offerings. forlorn in a sentence. As the Light Division's forlorn Hope reached the ditch, the French exploded a mine. She feels bad that the house, as elegant and posh as it is, is so overgrown and forlorn. He is shown with a forlorn smile.
See Answer. Top Answer. Wiki User Answered 2010-09-13 23:28:13. She feel so forlorn.
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0 0 1 Forlorn definition, desolate or dreary; unhappy or miserable, as in feeling, condition, or appearance. See more. Lorn definition is - left alone and forlorn : desolate, forsaken.
Lonely, lonesome, Forlorn, desolate - Lonely adds to solitary a suggestion of longing for companionship, while lonesome heightens the suggestion of sadness; Forlorn and desolate are even more isolated and sad. forlorn in a sentence My hesitation was the product of a forlorn dialogue with myself. When Gracie passed away, he was forlorn and way down, The effect is to make the graveyard seem even more forlorn. Symons, in Ashton's role, was aptly forlorn.
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Sentence with the word Forlorn. PREVIOUS to the departure of Captain Overbury, Charlotte had solicited Mrs. Danby to reside entirely at her house, as long as she should be compelled to sustain what she termed her forlorn situation; and that lady, having readily acceded to the proposal, had wholly quitted her own habitation, and was now a constant resident with her daughter-in-law. Forlorn Sentence Examples His face looked forlorn.
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1. a. Abandoned, deserted, or desolate: "my high school chums enjoying cider and doughnuts while I was trapped up on that forlorn mountain" . 2021-02-25 · a forlorn figure eine einsame Gestalt her voice sounded forlorn ihre Stimme klang einsam und verlassen the palaces stood empty and forlorn die Paläste standen leer und verlassen da 2. (= despairing) attempt, effort verzweifelt The puppy lay in the ditch with a forlorn look on it's face..
Forlorn in a sentence (1) The house stood forlorn and empty. (2) She looked a forlorn figure standing at the bus stop. (3) It'seemed a forlorn hope that we would find a taxi. Examples of forlorn in a Sentence Against the forlorn backdrop of the muddy terrain the media circus has left behind, the young mother is photographed for a fashion spread wearing a … white dress. How to use Forlorn in a sentence? View Forlorn usage in sample sentences. "Regrets are the most forlorn and useless emotions, Mrs Clayton" "The bottle stands How To Use Forlorn In A Sentence?