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SciLifeLab workshop Externwebben - SLU
Ett nationellt forskningscenter för molekylära biovetenskaper. På SciLifeLab kretsar verksamheten kring life science – livsvetenskap ett globalt viktigt och välinvesterat forskningsfält som gör skillnad inom områden som hälsa, miljö och klimat, jord- och skogsbruk samt bioenergi. Men vi har tagit ett nytt grepp. SciLifeLab Bioinformatics (NBIS) and Genomics (NGI) were both top-ranked in the recent VR evaluation (September 2017). “NBIS is probably the largest genuinely national and fully established bioinformatics infrastructure in Europe.” “[NBIS..] is crucial to the future competitiveness of Sweden in data-driven life Introduction to Bioinformatics using NGS data 20-24 May, Göteborg Quick and clean: advanced Python for data science in biology 20-24 May, Göteborg RaukR, Advanced R for Bioinformatics, summer course 10-20 June, Visby Introduction to Bioinformatics Using NGS Data. 2015 February - Uppsala 2015 May - Gothenburg 2015 September - Uppsala 2015 November - Lund 2016 January - Uppsala Runs with illumina human DNA-sequencing data.
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The recommended coverage for genome assembly based on read type: CLR – 30-50X unique molecular coverage per haplotye. HiFi – 15-20X coverage for haploids or diploids. Bioinformatics Long-term support (WABI) offers a senior bioinformatician to work in your project for up to 500 hours. The support is fully subsidized and free of charge, but extensive hands-on involvement is required by the applying research groups. Note that a part of this call will focus on Bioinformatics Compute and Storage [Service] Bioinformatics Long-term Support WABI [Collaborative] Bioinformatics Support and Infrastructure [Collaborative] Bioinformatics Support, Infrastructure and Training [Collaborative] Eukaryotic Single Cell Genomics (ESCG) Bioinformatics 16 (4) 563-575 [2015-07-00; online 2014-09-24] Affiliated researcher Year 2011. PubMed DOI Crossref.
The SciLifeLab Bioinformatics platform ( NBIS) organizes weekly drop-in sessions in Lund, Göteborg, Linköping, Stockholm, Uppsala, and Umeå. Bioinformatics experts are then available to discuss your bioinformatics needs, free of charge.
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The proceedings are now online via Lecture Notes in Computer Science, and some of the contribution Education that enables the science of the future Courses and workshops SciLifeLab offer educational courses and workshops for PhD students, postdocs, investigators and other employees within all Swedish universities. The courses and workshops cover … Bioinformatics Long-term Support WABI [Technology development] Bioinformatics Support, Infrastructure and Training [Technology development] Year 2015. PubMed DOI Crossref. Assessing the consistency of public human tissue RNA-seq data sets.
Post-doc stipend, Functional analysis of potato argonautes
Genomics, Proteomics and Systems Biology Approaches Scientific research areas for the prize awards. Each year the Science and SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists focuses on four important fields of life science research to select winners for the annual awards.
Science for Life Laboratory. We would like to invite you to a sneak peak of our new website before it goes live.
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Sep 20, 2018 Venue: SciLifeLab, Karolinska Institutet Solna Campus, Stockholm 9:30 – 9:50 Nikolay Oskolkov, National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Bioinformatics consultation – get your questions answered by the bioinformatics experts at SciLifeLab Bioinformatics platform. Biobank exhibition – KI Biobank, NGI Uppsala · National Bioinformatics Infrastructure (NBIS) · National Genomics Infrastructure (NGI) · PLA and Single Cell Proteomics · Protein Expression and He has a PhD (2009) in Molecular Evolution focusing on gene and genome dynamics in host-adapted bacteria. After his PhD, Björn was hired to the SciLifeLab Please note that many of the NBIS experts are active in several sub disciplines of bioinformatics. Management. Bengt Persson (UU/KI), SciLifeLab, NBIS director.
It then produces a set of partially-phased primary contigs and fully-phased haplotigs which represent divergent haplotypes. The recommended coverage for genome assembly based on read type: CLR – 30-50X unique molecular coverage per haplotye. HiFi – 15-20X coverage for haploids or diploids. Bioinformatics Long-term support (WABI) offers a senior bioinformatician to work in your project for up to 500 hours.
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Post-doc stipend, Functional analysis of potato argonautes
The proceedings are now online via Lecture Notes in Computer Science, and some of the contribution Education that enables the science of the future Courses and workshops SciLifeLab offer educational courses and workshops for PhD students, postdocs, investigators and other employees within all Swedish universities.
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© SciLifeLab supports research activities at all major Swedish universities.
18. jean.hausser@scilifelab.se consultant (bioengineering / bioinformatics) The lab is located at Karolinska Institutet and SciLifeLab in Stockholm, Sweden. National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS) constitutes the SciLifeLab Bioinformatics platform. NBIS is a distributed infrastructure with staff at six sites My group is located at SciLifeLab Stockholm, a joint venture also including Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm University and Uppsala University. Current Projects. E-mail: jens.lagergren@scilifelab.se E-mail: prasoon.agarwal@scilifelab.se in Bioinformatics (Next-Generation Sequencing and Microarray data analysis), We are a team of multidisciplinary backgrounds from neuroscience, oncology, engineering, and bioinformatics.