Petrea racemosa fotografering för bildbyråer. Bild av blodsugare


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Loài này được Nees miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1823. Purple Queen's Wreath Vine (Petrea racemosa) Details about Petrea * PURPLE PASSION~FAKE WISTERIA * 1 ft Long Flowers~Read Description :) How to plant and care for Queen's-wreath (Petrea volubilis Flowers 10-40 in a raceme, pedicel 5-9 mm long, zygomorphic, Calyx glabrous, membranous, Corolla hypocrateriform, purple, blue, violet and white, slaver shaped, 5 lobed, 10-20 mm long, and 4-6 mm wide, each lobe divided into two by a line, all lobes farthest at the truncate apex, pubescent above, Corolla tube about 2-3 mm long, Stamens 4, didynamous, anthers ovoid, Ovary 2-loculed, Style shorter than corolla tube, Stigma subcapitate. Petrea volubilis is a shrub or liana native to the Americas, often grown as an ornamental in the tropics and subtropics due to its attractive blue flowers. Although it has a long history of cultivation, there is insufficient evidence to consider the species as naturalized and invasive where introduced.

Petrea racemosa

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We also often hear many customers say "it looks just … Positive. On Nov 8, 2003, Monocromatico from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Zone 11) wrote: There´s little difference between this species and Petrea volubilis (Sandpaper Vine). The most reamrkable difference is the presence of brown scales under the P. volubilis´ leaves (trichomes), and the lack of them in P. racemosa. P. racemosa produces larger, darker flowers that are much prettier than P. volubilis.

Petrea racemosa, Purple Wreath for sale. Glaang TherakomenGarden. Geranie-2.

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alba Kuhlm. ex Moldenke, Phytologia 7: 445.

Petrea racemosa

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Loài này được Nees miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1823. Purple Queen's Wreath Vine (Petrea racemosa) Details about Petrea * PURPLE PASSION~FAKE WISTERIA * 1 ft Long Flowers~Read Description :) How to plant and care for Queen's-wreath (Petrea volubilis Flowers 10-40 in a raceme, pedicel 5-9 mm long, zygomorphic, Calyx glabrous, membranous, Corolla hypocrateriform, purple, blue, violet and white, slaver shaped, 5 lobed, 10-20 mm long, and 4-6 mm wide, each lobe divided into two by a line, all lobes farthest at the truncate apex, pubescent above, Corolla tube about 2-3 mm long, Stamens 4, didynamous, anthers ovoid, Ovary 2-loculed, Style shorter than corolla tube, Stigma subcapitate. Petrea volubilis is a shrub or liana native to the Americas, often grown as an ornamental in the tropics and subtropics due to its attractive blue flowers. Although it has a long history of cultivation, there is insufficient evidence to consider the species as naturalized and invasive where introduced. Racemes axillary and solitary, very abundant, erect to pendulous, lax, 8–29 cm long, many-flowered; pedicels c.

Petrea has several common names; Queen's Wreath, Purple Wreath, Sandpaper Vine, Tropical Wisteria, Bluebird Vine, and Fleur de Dieu.
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Petrea racemosa

неприхотлива, удовлетворительно переносит городские условия, хотя газоустойчивость невысокая. Подходит для создания фона в  Petrea volubilis (Queen's Wreath) - An evergreen clambering and twining vine that in Central America can grow to great heights with support (25-40 feet) but in   Petrea volublis is commonly called Sandpaper Vine due to the rough texture of the leaves and/or Florida Wisteria or Tropical Wisteria, as it is one of the only  Common Name: Petrea volubilis. Difficulty: Easy to grow. Fertilizer: Apply any organic fertilizer. Flower Colour: lavender.

Petrea Petrea volubilis is a perennial species from the tropics, although it has been treated as an annual in temperate areas because the species cannot tolerate frosts (Top Tropicals, 2019). Activity patterns.
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Pyrus communis päron. Quercus petrea bergek Sambucus racemosa druvfläder. Skimmia japonica vinterbär. Sorbaria sorbifolia  Dyckia racemosa.

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It is a semi-shrub and semi-climber and the PETREA RACEMOSA.

Can be grown on a fence. Petrea racemosa Nees; Petrea racemosa Nees is a synonym of Petrea volubilis L. This name is a synonym of Petrea volubilis L.. The record derives from WCSP (data supplied on 2012-03-26) which reports it as a synonym (record 150902) with original publication details: Flora 4: 300 1821. Petrea racemosa, Dark Purple Queen's Wreath Vine Click on the plant listing below to view the nursery information. Petrea racemosa Dark Purple Queen's Wreath Vine Petrea racemosa: Taxonomy navigation › Petrea. Terminal (leaf) node. Common name i: Purple wreath: Synonym i-Other names i ›Petrea racemosa Nees: Rank i: SPECIES: Lineage i › cellular organisms Global Biodiversity Information Facility.