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ColdZyme® Munnspray er enkel å bruke og skaper en beskyttende barriere på slimhinnen i svelget, slik at det blir vanskeligere for forkjølelsesvirus å forårsake sykdom. Lev livet uten forkjølelser. ¹ M Clarsund et al, A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Clinical Study on ColdZyme® Mouth Spray against Rhinovirus-Induced Common Cold, Open Journal of Respiratory Diseases, 2017, 7, 125-135. (ColdGaurd is marketed as ColdZyme in the UK) ColdZyme® Mouth Spray is for oral use only. Do not breathe in while spraying.

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ColdZyme Mouth Spray is a CE-marked medical device. ColdZyme has a local, short-acting effect on the surface of the mucous membrane in your throat.

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Evaluation of ColdZyme ® Mouth Spray on prevention of upper respiratory tract infections in a boy with primary immunodeficiency: a case report.J Med Case Rep. 2016;10(1):302 A case study of a young patient with primary immunodeficiency showed that ColdZyme reduced cold symptoms, as well as secondary microbial and fungal infections of the mouth and throat. ColdZyme® Mouth Spray is for oral use only. Do not breathe in while spraying. It must not be used after the expiry date, which is printed on the label of the bottle and on the bottom of the package. Do not use ColdZyme® Mouth Spray if you are allergic to any of the ingredients. ColdZyme mouth spray is an easy to use oral spray for common colds that forms a protective active enzyme barrier on the mucous membrane in your throat to help prevent the cold virus from infecting cells in the throat, as well as to help shorten the duration and severity of symptoms, if initiated at an early stage of the cold infection. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Coldzyme Mouth Spray 20ml 3 Boxes Included at the best online prices at eBay!

【Buy 2 get 1】ColdZyme Mouth Spray ColdZyme Mouth Spray can be sprayed to the throat and functions as a protective mask. It contains the patented ingredient – Trypsin extracted from Atlantic cods. ColdZyme forms a protective barrier in the throat to inhibit and prevent accumulation of pathogens. Explore ColdZyme Mouth Spray - 20ml. Available online today at Boots.
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The information about ColdZyme Mouth Spray says it ‘contains a unique marine enzyme that helps build a protective barrier on the mucous membranes in your throat and makes it harder for the cold virus to cause illness. Det unikke ved ColdZyme® Mundspray er, at den bekæmper årsagen til forkølelsen – forkølelsesvirussen. ColdZyme® Mundspray er nem at bruge og fungerer ved at skabe en beskyttende barriere på halsens slimhinde, så det bliver vanskeligt for forkølelsesvirussen at forårsage sygdom. ColdZyme Mouth Spray targets the oral cavity and throat directly, where the cold virus takes hold and multiplies, helping to prevent the virus taking hold as it usually would.

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