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Previous engagements/experience: CEO of Arcam AB 2001-2018. CEO and business area manager of Hogia Teknik 1999-2000. VP Customer Service Mycronic 1990-1999. The Board of Directors of Ovzon and Magnus René have extended the CEO appointment for Magnus René until the end of 2021. Magnus René is, since May 2018, a director of Ovzon and was appointed as the CEO in May 2019 for the period up to October 2020. Magnus René will now continue the work started to help accelerate the industrialization of Ovzon’s offering as well as optimizing the organization in support of the business plan. Per Norén Appointed New CEO at Ovzon.

Ovzon ceo

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Ovzon AB’s annual report in Swedish regarding the financial year 2020 is now available on the company’s CEO mre@ovzon.com +1 781 266 6957. Johan Brandt, CFO New CEO as of 1 May 2021 In conjunction with the report, Ovzon announced that it has appointed a new CEO, Per Norén. The current CEO, Magnus René, has been at the helm since May 2019, and will remain at the company as a board member. Mr. Norén holds comprehensive experience from the satellite industry, having worked at both Global Eagle and Ovzon är ett teknikbolag. Per Norén appointed new CEO at Ovzon-3,19% | 19,4 MSEK 2021-02-19 08:00:00 Ovzon AB The Board of Directors of Ovzon and Magnus René have extended the CEO appointment for Magnus René until the end of 2021. Magnus René, CEO, mre@ovzon.com,+1 781 266 6957 Ovzon is revolutionizing mobile broadband via satellite providing global coverage with the highest bandwidth through the smallest terminals. Founded in 2006, Ovzon develops end-to-end solutions meeting the growing demand of mobile broadband connectivity for customers with high performance requirements.

Swedish satellite services provider Ovzon said it has appointed Per Noren as its CEO from 01 May at the latest, replacing Magnus Rene, who will thereafter remain a member of the board of directors.

Dan Jangblad - Member Board Of Directors - Ovzon AB

Publicerad: 2021-02-19 (Direkt-SE)  Årsstämman 2021 i Ovzon AB (publ) ("Ovzon" eller "Bolaget") hölls idag den 13 Magnus René, CEO, mre@ovzon.com, +1 781 266 6957. Juridiskt system: Inkomst 01258 SEK för 3 månad: Investera i hvr - God orderingång och viktiga steg mot egen satellit - Ovzon; Dotterbolags-vd  Varje beslut om att investera i av Bolagets dotterbolag OverHorizon AB (Dotterbolaget). Historisk avkastning är ingen garanti för framtida  Ovzon, Financial hearing, 2018. May 23rd 2018 08:30 (Europe/Stockholm).

Ovzon ceo

Ovzon ökar förlusten i Q4, produktionen av satelliten Ovzon 3

(CEO OverHorizon LLC), 50, 2020-07-03.

The present CEO, Per Wahlberg, will assume a position as Executive Vice President, Business Development. Per Wahlberg is the founder and CEO over the 12 years since the company inception. 2021-02-19 · Magnus René has been a board member of Ovzon since the IPO in May 2018 and assumed the role of CEO in May 2019 for a time-limited assignment to further develop the business plan and strengthen the organization.
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Ovzon ceo

2 dagar sedan · Ovzon AB har godkänts för notering på Nasdaq Stockholm tis, apr 13, 2021 17:14 CET. Nasdaq Stockholms bolagskommitté har idag meddelat godkännande av Ovzon AB:s (publ) (”Ovzon” eller “Bolaget”) ansökan om upptagande av Bolagets aktier till handel på Nasdaq Stockholms huvudlista. Ovzon AB’s annual report in Swedish regarding the financial year 2020 is now available on the company’s CEO mre@ovzon.com +1 781 266 6957. Johan Brandt, CFO New CEO as of 1 May 2021 In conjunction with the report, Ovzon announced that it has appointed a new CEO, Per Norén.

Inside information: Ovzon's Board of Directors has today appointed Per Norén as the CEO of Ovzon AB effective latest May 1 2021. Inside information: Ovzon's Board of Directors has today appointed Per Norén as the CEO of Ovzon AB effective latest May 1 2021.
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Greater Boston Area Board Director Ovzon AB May 2018 - Present 2 years 9 months . Board Director and Strategic Advisor Inkbit New CEO as of 1 May 2021 In conjunction with the report, Ovzon announced that it has appointed a new CEO, Per Norén. The current CEO, Magnus René, has been at the helm since May 2019, and will remain at the company as a board member.

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Order from the Swedish defense supplier Saab regarding tests of the company’s satellite service on some of Saab’s moving platforms. CEO Ovzon AB May 2019 - Present 1 year 9 months. Greater Boston Area Board Director Ovzon AB May 2018 - Present 2 years 9 months . Board Director and Strategic Advisor Inkbit New CEO as of 1 May 2021 In conjunction with the report, Ovzon announced that it has appointed a new CEO, Per Norén. The current CEO, Magnus René, has been at the helm since May 2019, and will remain at the company as a board member.

Per Wahlberg is the founder and CEO over the 12 years since the company inception. CEO and business area manager of Hogia Teknik 1999-2000. VP Customer Service Mycronic 1990-1999. Ovzon LLC, US. Tampa 5460 Beaumont Center Blvd Suite 550 Tampa Magnus René is, since May 2018, a director of Ovzon and was appointed as the CEO in May 2019 for the period up to October 2020.