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15 20 35 45 55 "Chief Minister" means the Chief Minister for the purposes of the Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government Act) 1988 of the Commonwealth. Repealed by Act No. 17 of 1994. 26. AND WHEREAS the High Court has made an order, pursuant to section 23 of the Referendum Act, relating to the result of the said For the purpose of the s 42 0f the Referendum Act 1994, evidence of a “ material effect on the outcome of a referendum involves establishing that it is reasonably possible that the irregularity or interference identified affected the result. page 2 Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Act 1994 Effective: 09/07/20 R8 09/07/20 . Authorised by the ACT Parliamentary Counsel—also accessible at www.legislation.act.gov.au .
On 15 February 1992 voters were asked, at a referendum, to select an electoral system for the Legislative Assembly. For and against case booklet; Overview. This indicative referendum was held in conjunction with the general election for the Legislative Assembly held on 15 February 1992. 1 This Act may be cited as the Independence Referendum Act 1995. Holding of referendum 2 (1) A referendum shall be held on the question whether or not Independence is favoured for Bermuda.
22. Sverige, EU-medlemskapet och kontrollen av farliga kemikalier SIEPS 2020 av M Jääskeläinen · 2020 · Citerat av 3 — Päihdetilastollinen vuosikirja tarjoaa laajan tietoperustan alkoholipolitiikan päätöksen- tekijöille ja suunnittelijoille. Vuosikirjan tiedot tukevat myös sosiaali- ja Constituency, 1970, 1973, 1976, 1979, 1982, 1985, 1988, 1991, 1994, 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014, 2018.
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An Act to provide for the holding, on specific questions, of citizens initiated referenda, the results of which referenda will indicate the views held by the people of New Zealand on specific questions but will not be binding on the New Zealand Government This Act may be cited as the Referendums Act 1997. ˙Dictionary 2.
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1. Short title, collective citation and commencement.
PART 1 — PRELIMINARY Short title 1. This Act may be cited as the Referendum Act 1964.
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On 15 February 1992 voters were asked, at a referendum, to select an electoral system for the Legislative Assembly. For and against case booklet; Overview. This indicative referendum was held in conjunction with the general election for the Legislative Assembly held on 15 February 1992. 1 This Act may be cited as the Independence Referendum Act 1995.
Referendum petition. 13.
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The adposition on is usually used before the related subject of the ”Först i raden rasar utvecklingen av den elektroniska tekniken, digitali seringen, Internet. Ett gott stycke därefter kommer de önskemål man vill förverkliga med A. Eduskunta ja kansanedustajat – Riksdag och riksdagsledamöter – Parliament and the. Members of Parliament .
2 of 1994). Country: Uganda.