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chez Médicale Domicile. Voir l'offre  L'ortesi Spinova Osteo garantisce la stabilizzazione attiva e passiva della colonna vertebrale, prevenendo così la cifosi e donando sollievo ai pazienti affetti da  Spinova Osteo ortoza umanjuje bol u predelu kičmenog stuba, specijalno kod pacijenata obolelih od osteoporoze, tako što ojačava, stabilizuje i koriguje vašu  Bauerfeind Spinova Osteo stabilizační ortéza páteře. Bauerfeind Spinova Osteo stabilizační ortéza páteře. Cena vč.

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PodoBudget Spinova Support Plus Instructie Video About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features © 2021 Google LLC Spinova multifunctional orthoses are used to correct posture or to provide relief for the lumbar spine. The lumbar orthoses are an effective method of preventing non-physiological loading of the spine and the intervertebral disks. *The Spinova product portfolio may vary in certain countries. From now on Spinova Osteo will be marketed for spine treatment especially for patients with osteoporosis. The new Spinova orthosis by Bauerfeind enables a straight posture and a steady gait to help patients be more active again in everyday life.

Spinova Osteo straightens the upper body with a long aluminum splint that follows the contour of the spine. At the same time, it gives the body impulses that subconsciously remind it to straighten on its own.

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-. M3. 59 - 67. 90 - 100. M4. 59 - 67.

Spinova osteo

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dynacross thuasne.jpg. juzo1.PNG. Juzo.PNG. BF Logo.png. medi.png  Spinova Osteo orthopedic bust for osteoporosis: Straightens the spine and stabilizes the pelvis; Activate the back muscles; It is easy to put on and individually  L'orthèse Spinova® Osteo redresse la colonne vertébrale de manière passive et active en vue d'apporter un certain soulagement en cas d'ostéoporose et de  Spinova® Osteo Ortesis para enderezar activamente y estabilizar la columna vertebral, especialmente con osteoporosis Spinova Osteo proporciona  Orthèse de redressement du dos Spinova Osteo S3. Bauerfeind. 259.00 €. Livraison : +6.60 €.

Spinova Osteo relieves the spine, especially in patients with osteoporosis, by straightening, stabilizing and correcting the upper body posture. This reduces pain, prevents postural misalignments, improves the gait and minimizes the risk of falling. The spinal orthosis provides passive and active stabilization. Overview Spinova® Osteo provides passive and active stabilization for the spine, offering relief for osteoporosis patients and preventing kyphosis. Thanks to the pelvis support, long aluminum reclinator and double cross tensioning strap system it stabilizes the thoracic spine, corrects posture and activates the back muscles. L'orthèse Spinova® Osteo redresse la colonne vertébrale de manière passive et active en vue d'apporter un certain soulagement en cas d'ostéoporose et de lutter contre une éventelle cyphose.
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Spinova osteo

Healing massage is provided by a pad on the kneecap whilst the anatomically shaped, breathable knitted fabric provides maximum comfort. Spinova® Osteo. Actively straightening back orthosis for stabilization of the spine in case of osteoporosis. Spinova Osteo straightens the upper body with a long aluminum splint that follows the contour of the spine. At the same time, it gives the body impulses that subconsciously remind it to straighten on its own.

Ortesi per l'elongazione e la stabilizzazione della colonna vertebrale in presenza di osteoporosi. L’ortesi Spinova Osteo garantisce la stabilizzazione attiva e passiva della colonna vertebrale, prevenendo così la cifosi e donando sollievo ai pazienti affetti da osteoporosi. The Spinova Osteo is perfect for osteoporosis, vertebrae fractures and muscle weakness.
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Spinova Osteo New freedom in osteoporosis treatment. New freedom in osteoporosis treatment.

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Beckenumfang*. S2. 50 - 58. 80 - 90. 50 - 58. 90 - 100. -. M3. 59 - 67.

*The Spinova product portfolio may vary in certain countries. Spinova Osteo osigurava pasivnu i aktivnu stabilizaciju kralježnice, pružajući potporu kralježnici kod osoba sa osteoporozom i prevenirajući kifozu. Zahvaljujući potpori zdjelice, aluminijskom reklinatoru i dvostruko ukriženim sistemom traka, stabilizira torakalnu kralježnicu, korigira posturu i aktivira mišiće leđa. Iz… Spinova Osteo provides passive and active stabilization for the spine, offering relief for osteoporosis patients and preventing kyphosis. Thanks to the pelvis support, long aluminum reclinator and double crossed tensioning strap system it stabilizes the thoracic spine, corrects posture and activates the back muscles. Spinova Osteo entlastet die Wirbelsäule, speziell bei Osteoporose, indem sie den Oberkörper aufrichtet, sagittal stabilisiert und zur Haltungskorrektur ermahnt.