Outdoor education - LIBRIS
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Anders Szczepanski Space and Place: Perspectives on Outdoor Teaching and Learning. Linköping: 7,5 högskolepoäng. Sport Science, Outdoor Education and Recreation, 7,5 Credits Dahlgren, Lars-Owe & Szczepanski, Anders (1998) Outdoor Education av J Faskunger · Citerat av 10 — adjunkt Anders Szczepanski vid Forum för utomhuspedagogik, Linköpings handlat om begreppet miljöundervisning (environmental education), till exempel. Outdoor Education and Enviromental Studies 7.5 cr. Natur Dahlgren, Lars Owe; Sjölander Sverre; Strid Jan Paul; Szczepanski Anders (senaste upplagan).
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Anders Szczepanski, Nina Nelson. Szczepanski, A. (2013): Platsens betydelse för lärande och undervisning – ett utomhuspedagogiskt perspektiv. Nordic Studies in Science Education (NorDiNa), 9(1), 3–17. Szczepanski, A. (2008): Knowledge hrough Action – Teachers´perceptions of the landscape as a learning environ- ment. We argue that the distinctive nature and identity of outdoor education has a potential, as if it is realised through educational awareness, that can benefit meaningful learning (Ibid, p.
Perspective of Where, What, Why, How and When of learning environments.
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I filmen berättar Stina Lindblad, Börje Steen, Susanne Ekman, Helge Sontag, Gerd Strandberg, Anders Szczepanski, Per Olen sin syn på utomhuspedagogik. Centrumet utvecklar utbildningsplattformar inom området Outdoor Education och Place based Vår kontakt är Anders Szczepanski, enhetschef, Ass professor i Vi inte bara ser och hör utan smakar, luktar, känner och berör. Kunskaperna går in via hela kroppen och blir mer bestående och hållbara.” Anders Szczepanski Anders Szczepanski, ass visiting prof Outdoor Education, Director The distinctive nature and potential of outdoor education from a teacher perspective An intervention study of teachers in nine-year compulsory school Anders Szczepanski, Center for Environmental and Outdoor Education, Department of Arts, Craft and Design, Linköping University Anders Szczepanski The study describes how 19 teachers linked to preschool and comprehensive school experience the importance of place for learning and teaching in an outdoor educational context. Outdoor Education - Authentic Learning in the Context of Landscape (place based) Literary education and sensory experience.
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Ass. visiting profesor Outdoor Education, Dr. Linköpings universitet.
“The manual is very well written and covers all areas of permaculture.”
-Dr. (Fil lic) Anders Szczepanski, author of Outdoor Education, Assistant Professor of Outdoor Education, Spetsa Company at University Holding, Linköping University Sweden.
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Perspective of Where, What, Why, How and When of learning environments. Inter-disciplinary context. (2011-05-09). Anders Szczepanski, ass visiting prof Outdoor Education, Director Anders Szczepanski, Ph. Lic., has in his licentiate dissertation studied the variation of teachers´ perceptions of outdoor education and the landscape as a learning environment.
(Fil lic) Anders Szczepanski, author of Outdoor Education, Assistant Professor of Outdoor Education, Spetsa Company at University Holding, Linköping University Sweden. BUY IT NOW! “Brimming with practical examples of how to support children in connecting with themselves, each other and the growing cycle. However, no formal pilot study was performed. Outdoor education and mental health 7 School work at the reference school employed traditional methods; all education was book-based and consisted of paper-and-pencil work in the indoor classroom environment.
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Sort. 1 Effects of an outdoor education intervention on the mental health of schoolchildren . by Gustafsson, Per E, Gustafsson, Per E.; Szczepanski, Anders; Nelson, Nina; Gustafsson, Per A. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning , v12 n1 p63-79 2012 This study aimed at examining the effects of an outdoor educational intervention on the mental health of schoolchildren. Anders Szczepanski is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Anders Szczepanski and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.
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12 Oct 2018 Outdoor Education (OE) refers to organized experiential education that frequently involving outdoor activities” (Dahlgren and Szczepanski, Vi inte bara ser och hör utan smakar, luktar, känner och berör. Kunskaperna går in via hela kroppen och blir mer bestående och hållbara.” Anders Szczepanski Anders SZCZEPANSKI, Ass prof Outdoor Education | Cited by 99 | | Read 8 publications | Contact Anders SZCZEPANSKI. Linköping University, Department of Culture and Communication, National Centre for Outdoor Education (NCU) (Closed down 2016-05-01) av A Szczepanski · 2006 · Citerat av 19 — teacher perspective.
ass Prof DR. Fil lic. University lecturer in the topic Outdoor Education and Director at the Center for Outdoor Environmental Education, Linköping University Sweden. 2012-03-01 Anders Szczepanski The Landscape of the School Ground 25-28 Sue Fenoughty A Framework for Evaluation of Outdoor Education Programmes 29-36 Robbie Nicol and Peter Higgins PA RT 2 THE COMENIUS PROJECT:AIMS, PROGRAMMES AND EVALUATION Outdoor Education – authentic learning in the context of landscapes: project philosophy, aims and group processes Anders Szczepanski. Kapitelförfattare. Leder och organiserar magisterprogrammen i Outdoor Education samt har många nationella och internationella uppdrag som föreläsare, media TV/radio inom forsknings- och utbildningsområdet Utomhuspedagogik. För mer information se: Anders Szczepanski, Linköping University, Culture & Communication (IKK) Department, Department Member.