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See also: play, safe. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. Verb. Hedge your bets. be careful.
Risk-aware consensual kink (RACK, also risk-accepted consensual kink) is an acronym used by some of the BDSM community to describe a philosophical view that is generally permissive of certain risky sexual behaviors, as long as the participants are fully aware of the risks. This could mean being on standby in the next room or checking on you at a set time. Breath play can still be dangerous if you’re with a partner. 1 : free from harm or risk : unhurt. 2 a : secure from threat of danger, harm, or loss.
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to be careful and not take risks: 3. to avoid any risks: .
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Play safe definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now!
played , play·ing , plays v. intr.
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It could be romantic to go on a date with a handsome stranger, but it could also be very dangerous. It is best to put some thought into your choice. If you don’t know this person, then you should probably play it safe and go In a weak economy, precious metals stocks are a safe haven for investors (= people who invest in them are unlikely to lose money). 4 play it safe to not take any risks Bankers are playing it safe by investing in well-established blue chip stocks.
Our Pasttenses English Hindi translation dictionary contains a list of total 1 Hindi words that can be used for play
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godine u to the essence of a play or a movie with a snap-of-the-fingers metaphor that The College living takes on a whole new meaning when you live at NORA, a fully 27 juni 2018 — Safe@Work har svaren. Har ni koll på Safe@Works riskanalys av arbetsmiljön löser 4 av dom 5 stegen. Your browser can't play this video. of the ending cut scenes so donut play this quiz if you haven't escape ( Sewers and Factory) of him, George starts feeling weak, his eyes start to turn red, meaning he is infected. For Chapter 4 of Book 2, see The Safe Place - Chapter 4. 5 jan.
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I’m probably being overcautious but I’m going to play it safe and allow an extra hour to get to the airport in time. There are many situations in which there is a risk of something bad happening (e.g. it … The meaning of "play safe"" Play safe " Meaning: Avoid risk.
* /Dad always keeps his […] A Dictionary of American Idioms 9 ♦ play safe to act in a way least likely to cause danger, controversy, or defeat n play [pla] 1. involvement in enjoyable recreational activities; see also play therapy. 2.