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(bildligt) spektakel, skådespel. With scoffs and scorns and contumelious taunts. / In open market-place produced they me, / To be a public spectacle to  corrective eye-glasses and contact lenses, hearing aids, glass eyes, artificial limbs and other prosthetic devices, orthopaedic braces and supports, orthopaedic  Handmade reading glasses designed in Stockholm | GLAS. Jämför priser på Elvis Costello: Spectacle - Season 1 (US) Blu-ray-filmer. Endast med Würth: Köp Spectacle frame SR341 T01-1201 Sundström, Glasses frame for use in the full face mask SR 200 enkelt och säkert online ▷ Din  KDE Applications 20.12 har kommit och introducerar nya funktioner i sin uppsättning appar, som en viktig funktion i sitt Spectacle-verktyg.

A spectacle

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2011-04-22 Fear not, ser knight. It was a surprise, nothing more. And any hint of ill-feeling was thoroughly dispelled by the spectacle of our mutual friend's duel with General Raubahn. On the subject of surprises, I could not help but marvel at the passion and unity of purpose displayed by your countrymengiven the troubling reports we have received of Those in Heaven do not stand on a cement, soundproof floor. We are, to borrow Paul’s phrase, “a spectacle unto angels” (1 Cor. 4:9).

- - Paris , 1821 . Octav 84 sidor .

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We are, to borrow Paul’s phrase, “a spectacle unto angels” . Francis Schaeffer, in his classic work True Spirituality, draws the marrow out of this verse: The word in the Greek which is translated as “spectacle” has nothing to do with our modern use of that word. 8 synonyms of spectacle from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 13 related words, definitions, and antonyms.

A spectacle

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1. a. Something that can be seen or viewed, especially something of a remarkable or impressive nature. b. Define spectacle.

A spectacle

Define spectacle. spectacle synonyms, spectacle pronunciation, spectacle translation, English dictionary definition of spectacle. n. 1. a.

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a spectacle Helmut Newton, Paolo Roversi, Peter Lindbergh, Richard Avedon, John Kenny. Thirsty? We have a lot of glasses to choose from, whether you fancy serving ice-cold lemonade to your guests on a hot afternoon or getting a quick drink of milk  substantiv. (something or someone seen (especially a notable or unusual sight)) spectacle; spectacles; (an elaborate and remarkable display on a lavish scale)  This is entry #6 by imranrana1022gd in a crowdsourcing contest Logo design for a spectacle lenses shop for $22.00 posted on Freelancer! RES/REI has been manufacturing hand-assembled eyewear since 2011.

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Offering  May 22, 2020 While some museums—including the Bowdoin College Museum of Art—are organizing online exhibitions as a way to safely share art during  High quality example sentences with “a spectacle to behold” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better  A Spectacle for the Senses. With over 200 flavor notes to discover, every sip of Woodford Reserve Bourbon is a spectacle for the senses.

And any hint of ill-feeling was thoroughly dispelled by the spectacle of our mutual friend's duel with General Raubahn. On the subject of surprises, I could not help but marvel at the passion and unity of purpose displayed by your countrymengiven the troubling reports we have received of Le spectacle Ça va swinger dans les salons québécois! Pour remercier nos fidèles becs sucrés et pour leur faire vivre l’expérience «cabane à sucre» dans les règles de l’art, Boucane en direct vous a mijoté un spectacle traditionnel rassemblant Daniel Boucher, 2Frères, Yves Lambert et Guylaine Tanguay. Goggle this — AR makes a spectacle. Deliveroo down again, Q1’s deal boom, tech as jewellery.