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Akhenaten meaning in hindi

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Akhenaten synonyms, Akhenaten pronunciation, Akhenaten translation, English dictionary definition of Akhenaten. or A·khe·na·ton also Ikh·na·ton Originally A·men·ho·tep IV Died c. 1355 bc. King of Egypt who rejected the old gods and initiated a monotheistic worship of Akhenaten name meaning, Egyptian baby Boy name Akhenaten meaning,etymology, history, presonality details.

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Infer their meaning from the context. Aten, the sun disk, changed his name to Akhenaten, or 'servant After Akhenaten's death, a mysterious ruler named.

Akhenaten meaning in hindi

AKHENATEN ▷ Swedish Translation - Examples Of Use Akhenaten

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Akhenaten meaning in hindi

Look it up now! More: English to Japanese translation of Akhenaten Akhenaten in Hebrew אחנתון, פרעה מצרי (שבתחילת מלכותו היה ידוע כ-אמנחותפ ה-4) מן השושלת ה-18 אשר שלט בערך בשנים 1332-1350 לפנה"ס, אביו של תות-אנך-אמון According to graph you can see Kiya name is famous in USA since 1970. Kiya is not a popular name in India, according to the social media profile counts. Here Kiya is used by mere 26 people in India as the name of their babies. Name Kiya is short, sweet and unique.

He was born to Amenhotep III and his Chief Queen Tiye and was his father's younger son. Akhenaten was According to Akhenaten, the sun was the supreme force of light and life. Its motion across the sky brought the creation of all living things into the world. The new king even changed his royal name, Amenhotep IV, which meant "Amun is content," reflective of his position as head of the Amun cult, to that of Akhenaten, meaning "effective for Aten." Get definition and hindi meaning of Akshat in devanagari dictionary.
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He died around 1336 BC or 1334 BC. His name was ‘Amenhotep IV’ before he was ascended to the throne as the king of Egypt. English to Hindi Dictionary: aten.

They must be reconstructed largely from the iconography of the temple reliefs and stelae that depict him with his deity and from the one lengthy religious text from Tell el-Amarna, the Aton Hymn, preserved in several of the private tombs. Akhenaten was an Egyptian pharaoh that belonged to the 18 th dynasty and was on top of Egypt for about 16 to 17 years. There are some interesting twists in the pharaoh’s life like his religious revolution and renouncing of the polytheism that was really strong in Egypt, had a name change, and a lot of other things that we won’t give out just yet. Egyptian Baby Names Meaning: In Egyptian Baby Names the meaning of the name Akhenaten is: Devoted to Aten. Akhenaten.