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Interview: Ilya Khrzhanovsky · So you see the Dau films as trailers for the online material? · After watching four films, I realized that watching Dau wasn't really about  4 (Chetyre) · Chetyre · Details: 2004, Rest of the world, Russia, Cert NC, 126 mins. Direction: Ilya Khrzhanovsky. Genre: Drama. Summary: Two men and a woman  4 Aug 2006 Immense, mystical, and deranged beyond immediate comprehension, Ilya Khrzhanovsky's ``4" is an apocalyptic allegory of Mother Russia and  4 is a 2004 Russian drama film directed by Ilya Khrzhanovsky after a screenplay by Vladimir Sorokin. Originally it was conceived as a short film, but turned into a  4 is a 2004 Russian drama film directed by Ilya Khrzhanovsky after a screenplay by Vladimir Sorokin. Originally it was conceived as a short film, but turned into a  Ilya Khrzhanovsky.

#4 #ilya khrzhanovsky #four #chetyre. 46 notes Film event in Yerevan, Armenia by on Sunday, December 15 2019 Khrzhanovsky, born in 1975, the son of filmmaker Andrey Khrzhanovsky, was then a 30-year-old Russian director, much feted by European producers and financiers. He had graduated from the celebrated Russian film school VGIK in 1998 and his debut feature, 4, had won a Tiger award at International Film Festival Rotterdam in 2005.

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We learn from their conversations both the intriguing and banal details of their lives. But is anyone really telling the truth?

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Sarah Cascone , January 29, 2019 Ilya Khrzhanovsky. Ilya Andreevich Khrzhanovsky (Russian: Илья́ Андре́евич Хржановский; born August 11, 1975 in Moscow, Soviet Union) is a Russian film director.He is the son of Andrei Khrzhanovsky (b.

Originally it was conceived as a short film, but turned into a full-length film after four years of work. 4 starts out with some prologues where we are shown what the three protagonists do for a living. Volodya is is a piano tuner, Marina is a prostitute, and Oleg sells meat. The three meet by chance in a bar where the bartender keeps falling asleep, and make up elaborate lies about their professions. Marina claims to work in advertising.
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He is the son of Andrei Khrzhanovsky (b. 1939), one of the top Russian animation directors, and Mariya Neyman, philologist, editor and script doctor. He is the grandson of artist and actor Yury Khrzhanovsky [ru] (1905—1987). Khrzhanovsky and his editor Ilya Permyakov said in a written response to the Le Monde article that they “formally contested the truth” of the paper’s claims, which were “clearly the Yet "Dau" director Ilya Khrzhanovsky's forthcoming exploration of the life of Soviet physicist Lev Landau remains in postproduction.

2004, 126 mins. 35mm. In Russian with English subtitles. With Yuriy Laguta, Marina Vovchenko, Sergey Shnurov.
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Vladimir Sorokin – Wikipedia

After 14 years of work, drawing in more than 10,000 participants, the Russian art project is 4 is a 2004 Russian drama film directed by Ilya Khrzhanovsky after a screenplay by Vladimir Sorokin.Originally it was conceived as a short film, but turned into a full-length film after four years of work. Directed by Ilya Khrzhanovskiy. With Yuriy Laguta, Marina Vovchenko, Sergey Shnurov, Andrei Kudriashov.

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2017 Son nom ne vous dit peut-être pas grand chose, mais vous allez vite comprendre pourquoi le réalisateur Ilya Khrzhanovsky (le film 4, extrait  Our tale begins over a decade ago, when Russian director Ilya Khrzhanovsky started high society, had previously made just one film – the rather low-key 4.

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