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Spanish Translation. triple. More Spanish words for triple. el triple noun. threefold, treble, triplex, three-ply. triplicar verb. Then she took her (wooden) cross and with it touched the Queen's head, her feet and her shoulders, making the sign of the cross and straightway she was cured" (Studia Biblica, V, 32).
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I hope this is useful to you. Persignar. "El acto es conocido como 'persignar', si se hace sobre una persona, y 'bendecir' si es sobre una cosa o en una dirección vaga." Los creyentes católicos se persignan o se santiguan.. Those of Catholic faith cross themselves (make the sign of the cross). adjetivo de una sola terminación: Adjetivos de una sola terminación en singular ("amable", "constante") pero que sí varían en plural ("amables", "constantes"). The cross beams support the roof.
Ave Maria Sign of the Cross - En el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo, y del How to say sign of the cross in Spanish.
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One thief went to Paradise with Jesus, and the other went to the fires of Hell with Judas, most if not all the Sadducee, and probably Pilate and Her 2020-09-03 2005-09-13 How to say cross in Spanish - Translation of cross to Spanish by Nglish, comprehensive English – Spanish Dictionary, Translation and English learning by Britannica. Example sentences: The teacher marked the absent students on her list with crosses .
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Without his wife seeing, he did the sign of the cross. 2003-05-19 Catholic writer Bert Ghezzi says the sign of the cross has six meanings. "The sign of the cross is: a confession of faith; a renewal of baptism; a mark of discipleship; an acceptance of suffering; a defense against the devil; and a victory over self-indulgence." The sign of the cross is a serious and powerful prayer ? and a holy symbol.
I hope this is useful to you. Persignar.
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In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Apostles Creed. I believe in God, the Father almighty creator of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. sign of the cross es un término alternativo para cross. Lo encontrarás en al menos una de las líneas abajo. 'sign of the cross' is an alternate term for 'cross'.
cabreado - enfadado - molesto - enojado - encachimbado - mosca - mosqueado. to cross verb. cruzar - pasar - atravesar - surcar - bandear - balsear - centrar - cortar - cortarse - enrazar - vadear - franquear - entrecruzar - contrariar - frustrar - tirar cruzado - cruzarse cruzarse. over noun. over. over adverb. cross, sign of the cross n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.