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Meningen är att det ska lägga band på den kortsiktiga spekulationen i utländska valutor och på så sätt stabilisera valutavärdet.
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See list of e-services for individual and corporate taxpayers. Forms All tax forms for individual and corporate taxpayers. Every form includes the address where you can send it to. All forms sent to the Tax Administration are processed and digitised in one place. If you send them by post, they will be delivered directly to the correct address. Please do not bring your forms to a tax office – that will only slow down the processing.
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If you send them by post, they will be delivered directly to the correct address. Please do not bring your forms to a tax office – that will only slow down the processing. Note: If you wish to make a call to a Finnish number from outside Finland, dial the international code +358 and leave out the first zero.
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