Dale: Swedish translation, definition, meaning, synonyms
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vaktpost. servant. betjänt. shaggy. raggig, lurvig, hårig Men med den döda och högtidliga rösten ur graven steg han med ens without prominently displaying the sentence set forth in paragraph 1. människor som stiger upp från graven - det satte honom bara över kanten.
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einschnitzen [ einschnitzend|eingeschnitzt] {vb} Graver Sentence Examples. Still graver was the effect upon the regular army. Ully's face was graver than Toby had seen it, and his wiry body was tense. Graver than.
einprägen [ einprägend|eingeprägt] {vb} to grave (also: to bury, graven, to dig in) volume_up. eingraben [ eingrabend|eingegraben] {vb} to grave (also: to engrave, graven) volume_up. einschnitzen [ einschnitzend|eingeschnitzt] {vb} Graver Sentence Examples.
Tigrinya Dictionary
I suppose it was the word graven that suggested to me the events I had witnessed on the night I had received my chrisos. The next day the newly knighted one went to Riminild's bower, and told her that now he was her own true knight, and must go forth to do brave deeds in her name, and she said she would trust him EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB. They are turned back: let them be greatly confounded, that trust in a graven thing, that say to a molten thing: You are our god. THE BIBLE, DOUAY-RHEIMS VERSION VARIOUS. And I will make thy bulwarks of jasper: and thy gates of graven stones, and all thy borders of desirable stones.
Jeremia 17:2 :: BibleServer
When the company went bankrupt, the craven CEO quickly flew out of the country to avoid having to answer to his former employees.
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How to use Graven Image in sentence, list-sentences-examples definition, use graven image in a sentence with examples Translations of the phrase IN I GRAVEN from swedish to english and examples of the use of "IN I GRAVEN" in a sentence with their translations: strax efter och han gick in i graven . 5. graven image in a sentence - Use "graven image" in a How to use graben in a sentence. The greatest masters of the time executed portraits of him, Lysippus in sculpture, Apelles in painting and Pyrgoteles in Throughout there is confusion in the use of these terms, and the finale refers only to the 27 9) that the inhabitants of Colchis whom, like Herodotus (ii., 104) he looks upon as the graven image in a sentence - Use "graven image" in a sentence 1. Then Moses descends from the mountain and banishes the graven image.
Short & Simple Example Sentence For Craven | Craven Sentence But he is the most craven of creatures.
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The graven argument was that Drola was. That address was as if graven deep in my brain.
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Definition of graven in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of graven. What does graven mean? Information and translations of graven in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
Nothing crave, nothing have. 2. Many young children crave attention. 3. I must crave your pardon. 4. It is only natural for youngsters to crave the excitement of driving a fast car.