Safety data sheet - STARK Group


IMDG-koden - Transportstyrelsen

Packing group. 1950. 2.1. Klassificering av ämnet eller blandningen. CLP (1272/2008): Aerosol 1; H222 UN proper shipping name. Transport hazard class(es). Packing group.

Un 1950 class 2.1 packing group

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2.1.2 Principles of classification The dangerous goods covered by the heading of a class are defined on the basis of their UN Number Class Proper Shipping Name UN 1950: 2: Aerosols, corrosive, Packing Group II or III, UN 1959: 2: 1,1-Difluoroethylene or Refrigerant gas 2021-01-05 · Packing group II: substances presenting medium danger; and; Packing group III: substances presenting low danger. UN specification packaging, or Performance Oriented Packaging (POP), is required for most air shipments of dangerous goods. POP is packaging that must pass several tests to ensure that packages are strong enough to withstand the Substances not mentioned by name in Table A of Chapter 3.2, having more than one hazard characteristic and solutions or mixtures containing several dangerous substances shall be classified under a collective entry (see and packing group of the appropriate class in accordance with their hazard characteris-tics. Aerosols also fall into Class 2 divisions where an aerosol is defined as an article consisting of any non-refillable receptacle containing a gas compressed, liquefied or dissolved under pressure, the sole purpose of which is to expel a nonpoisonous (other than a Division 6.1 Packing Group III material) liquid, paste, or powder and fitted with a self-closing release device allowing the contents Packing group III: substances presenting low danger. Classes 1, 2, 5.2, 6.2 and 7, and self-reactive substances of class 4.1 are not assigned with packing groups. Let us look at the criteria for assigning packing groups for each of the classes.

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Proper shipping name: Aerosols, flammable Class: 2.1. Subsidiary risk: -. Packing group: -.

Un 1950 class 2.1 packing group


CLP (1272/2008): Aerosol 1, Skin Irrit. 2, STOT SE 3, UN-forsendelsesbetegnelse (UN proper shipping name) Transport hazard class(es). Packing group. 1950 AEROSOLS. 2.1. -. 14.5.

company and the Group for the 2018 financial year. HOLMEN ANNUAL REPORT 2018 / UN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS. Born 1950. Former Director Group Engineering, Jaguar. Land Rover.
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Un 1950 class 2.1 packing group

AEROSOLER 1950. Proper Shipping Name. AEROSOLER, brandfarliga. Class. 2.

EDR. UN1950.
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Säkerhetsdatablad - Sika Sverige

UN-no. 1950. Proper Shipping Name. AEROSOLS, flammable. Class. 2.1.

Annual Report and Sustainability Report 2019 - Lindab

PG*. -. EmS. 2.1 Klassificering av ämnet eller blandningen Class. PG*. EmS. MP**. Hazardous constituent. 1950. UN 1950 AEOSOLER.

AEROSOLS, FLAMMABLE. Class. 2.1. PG*. -.