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It’s OpenStack User Survey Time! by edmondsw on July 27, 2017 in Miscellaneous PowerVC is based on OpenStack, which gives us a strongly vested interest in supporting the OpenStack community and helping shape its future direction. As each OpenStack version is release, the PowerVC team then: Takes the official release code. Add the Power hardware support and control via the HMC, VIOS, or OpenPOWER KVM. Adds all the good features that us Power people demand to make available the fine controls of Power computers. They retest and release PowerVC in a couple of weeks. PowerVC is built on OpenStack, and it provides simplified virtualization and cloud management.

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Please ask questions on the openstack-discuss mailing-list, for coding or for operations. First, you need to understand this command is using (as far as I can determine) the remote REST API to "talk" to the PowerVC/OpenStack running on the current system. For this function to work you have to set 14 shell variables. It also required to use the "openstack" command to control Cloud Edition Projects and User Roles - so it is not so strange. Collects diagnostic data from your PowerVC installation.

PowerVC is based on OpenStack, which gives us a strongly vested interest in supporting the OpenStack community and helping shape its future direction. Our developers are heavily involved in the community in many ways, including bug submissions and fixes, participation in design discussions, implementation of new features, etc. IBM PowerVC, an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) enabling software, provides a self-service cloud console for managing IBM Power Systems.

IBM Knowledge Center

by Joe Cropper on June 25, 2017 in Miscellaneous. PowerVC 1.3.3 was just released on June 23rd, 2017—its ninth major release since its debut back in the Spring of 2013. I have had the A set of drivers and utilities to integrate PowerVC into OpenStack.

Powervc openstack

Move to Cloud with IBM Cloud PowerVC Manager, Arrow ECS

The driver is no longer being updated to work with future releases of OpenStack and will not be supported with those releases. This was the driver used within IBM Cloud Manager. The OpenStack software has industry-standard interfaces that are released under the terms of the Apache License. IBM® Power® Virtualization Center interfaces are a subset of OpenStack northbound APIs. A number of interfaces were added or extended to enhance the capabilities that are associated with the IBM Power platform. OpenStack release PowerVC version 1.4.4 is built on OpenStack Stein release. Guest operating system support This table lists the support for virtual machine operating systems on managed hosts.

So our OpenStack on Power is simple compared to a raw OpenStack upgrades. I find each new PowerVC release has some "Wow!" factor in new features. I have been regularly impressed with each release. PowerVC is built on OpenStack, and it provides simplified virtualization and cloud management.-----Tokens: Tokens and authentication is done by the Keystone service in Openstack. Any task (API call) starts with requesting a token.
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Powervc openstack

Hi! I just installed powerVC on rhel 7.3.

There is information on how to create an image through PowerVC here, but similar steps can be used to create one by hand. The driver team has published an image for development purposes here. This can be used for stand up and testing of your cloud.
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by edmondsw on July 27, 2017 in Miscellaneous PowerVC is based on OpenStack, which gives us a strongly vested interest in supporting the OpenStack community and helping shape its future direction. As each OpenStack version is release, the PowerVC team then: Takes the official release code. Add the Power hardware support and control via the HMC, VIOS, or OpenPOWER KVM. Adds all the good features that us Power people demand to make available the fine controls of Power computers. They retest and release PowerVC in a couple of weeks. PowerVC is built on OpenStack, and it provides simplified virtualization and cloud management. Tokens: Tokens and authentication is done by the Keystone service in Openstack. PowerVC is using the components of OpenStack.

IBM Knowledge Center

openstack: Facilitates communication with OpenStack services. PowerVC is based on OpenStack, which is open-source cloud management software backed by significant industry support. PowerVC is designed to simplify the management of virtual resources in IBM Power Systems environments.

PowerVC and OpenStack work in concert to lead your data center toward higher efficiencies. PowerVC is built on OpenStack, which is an open-source cloud computing platform. Openstack provides an API, that can be used for writing softwares that manages the cloud.