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A. n. Cossus, consular tribune in 406, 404, and 401 BC. Publius Cornelius Maluginensis Cossus, consular tribune in 395, and consul in 393 BC. Aulus Cornelius Cossus, dictator in 385 BC. Aulus Cornelius Cossus, consular tribune in 369 and 367 BC. Aulus Cornelius Cossus ist der Name folgender Personen: Aulus Cornelius Cossus (Konsul 428 v. Chr.), römischer Militärtribun und Konsul. Aulus Cornelius Cossus (Konsul 413 v. Chr.), römischer Politiker.
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ante Corn. erosa), circa quo m. cornelius consol GU 2 . 11. testes (om. XXXI. 1.
Tum bellum contra Veios et Volscos renovatum est. Korneliar leinua Antzinako Erromako familia garrantzitsuenetakoa izan zen.
Översättning 'Cornelius' – Ordbok svenska-Tyska Glosbe
ev. Gr. kossos = örfil + Gr. oura. Det mest notoriska fallet möjligen, tillskrevs Cossus Cornelius Lentulus (stadsprefekten som ersatte Lucius Piso) som var så berusad vid ett 9.
Full text of "Berattelse om Framstegen i Insekternas
Medullinus headed the investigation (quaestio) into a mutiny that had occurred during the previous year, which had resulted in the death of the consular tribune Publius Cornelius A.f. Cossus (quando natus, quando mortuus sit, nescimus) vir publicus Romanus origine patricia saeculi quinti a.C.n. fuit. . Cursus honorum. Publius anno 408 a.C.n. tribunus militum consulari potestate electus est. Collegae eius Gaius Iulius Sp.f.
426-ban pedig a négy consuli rangú katonai tribunus egyike volt. Hide browse bar Your current position in the text is marked in blue. Click anywhere in the line to jump to another position:
19. There was then among the cavalry, Aulus Cornelius Cossus, a tribune of the soldiers, distinguished for the beauty of his person, and equally so for courage and great strength of body, and mindful of his rank, which, having received in a state of the highest lustre, he left to his posterity still greater and more distinguished. Cnaeus Cornelius Cossus est un homme politique de la République romaine, consul en 409 av. J.-C. Aulus Cornelius Cossus and Capitoline Hill · See more » Cassiodorus.
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780119. 27. COSSUS CORNELIUS LENTULUS (184). Cossus Cornelius Lentulus, moneyer.
During the war against the Etruscan city of Veii, Cossus became one of only three Roman generals ever to be awarded the spolia opima for killing
Publius Cornelius Maluginensis Cossus, consular tribune in 395, and consul in 393 BC. Aulus Cornelius Cossus, dictator in 385 BC. Aulus Cornelius Cossus, consular tribune in 369 and 367 BC. Aulus Cornelius P. f.
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J.-C., dictateur en 323 av. J.-C. avec Marcus Fabius Ambustus comme maître de cavalerie. Lors de sa dictature, il lança une puissante armée dans le Samnium lors de la deuxième Guerre samnite.
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Collegae eius Gaius Iulius Sp.f. Iullus atque Gaius Servilius P.f. Ahala etiam patricii fuerunt.
(Livy 4.19.1) “Aulus Cornelius Cossus was military tribune then among the cavalry.” Omnibus locis re bene gesta, dictator senatus consulto iussuque populi triumphans in urbem rediit. Longe maximum triumphi spectaculum fuit Cossus, spolia opima regis interfecti gerens; in eum milites carmina incondita aequantes eum Romulo canere. period, A. Cornelius Cossus in either 437 or 426 and M. Claudius Marcellus in 222 B.C.' The dedication-place of these special spoils was the temple of Jupiter Feretrius on the Capitol, traditionally founded by Romulus for the purpose, and considered the oldest temple in Rome (Livy 1.10.7): the god was said to draw his name either from Aulus Cornelius Cossus i. e. 385-ben dictatorként véres csatában legyőzte a volscusokat és szövetségeseiket, a latinokat és hernicusokat, majd hazatérve bebörtönözte Manliust és triumphust tartott.