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Although Ist runes are less difficult to obtain than high runes, their magic finding attributes make them valuable enough that they can usually be traded in bulk for high runes. 1 Effects 2 Sources 3 Rune Words 4 Recipes Socketing an item with an Ist rune increases the item's level requirement to Weapons: 30% Better Chance of Getting Magic ItemsArmor: 25% Better Chance of Getting Magic ItemsHelms: 25% Better Chance of Getting Magic ItemsShields: 25% Better Chance of Getting Magic ItemsLevel Requirement: 51 Ist is a rare rune in Diablo II. Two Mal runes and one Amethyst are needed to create one Ist through the Horadric Cube (this does not work on regular

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Pentax are rumoured to be releasing the D2 this febuary, and some of R2-D2 (/ ˌ ɑːr. t uː ˈ d iː t uː /) or Artoo-Detoo is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise created by George Lucas.