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Izzy on November 17, 2018: The megalodon shark is still alive. It could be in the Burmuda triangle. Me on November 17, 2018: Well, The movie The Meg might be fictional, It might actually have some true facts in it. The megalodon appears famously in recent movie The Meg where the plot proposes that this creature still resides in unexplored areas under the sea. Since no historical records show the existence of the megalodon in the present or any recent past, there is no living proof the megalodon is still alive.

Could megalodon still be alive

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All about Steve (2009) Did you hear about the Morgans? (2009) I´m still here (2010). I´m your father Meet Bill (2007). Megalodon (2002).

They serve up fresh information on the scientific possibility that somewhere in the vast, unexplored expanses of the world’s oceans, the megalodon could still live on. The channel’s Megalodon: The New Evidence, Megalodon — The Monster Shark Lives, Voodoo Shark and other documentaries have led to a huge surge of interest in the prehistoric predator. 2018-08-09 · Could Megalodons Still Exist?

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No. As much as I would love to have seen and dived with this beast, the science is clear: Megalodon is extinct. Megalodon Shark Sightings Reported Megalodon shark sightings have some people wondering if the most formidable predator the ocean has ever seen might still be alive today, even though science and common sense tell us it's impossible.

Could megalodon still be alive

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Megalodon: Carcharoc 2012-04-22 The megalodon may be extinct, but it might also be hiding deep within our oceans, perhaps even in the Mariana Trench.

Is Megalodon Still  16 Aug 2018 Megalodon was widely distributed in tropical and subtropical waters, but only in shallow waters near the coasts. If they were living there today  13 Mar 2021 The giant prehistoric Carcharocles megalodon (or Otodus This would be the largest meg shark ever found in western Australia, but not the  18 Oct 2020 not many animals could pull off a deep-sea disappearing act. If megalodon is still out there (and that's a pretty big if), it's not what it used to be  10 Oct 2015 Despite the evidence, many people hold onto the belief that living Megalodons still exist somewhere in the deep ocean.
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Could megalodon still be alive

Questions  11 Apr 2016 Carcharocles megalodon lived between 2.6m and 28m years ago and could grow to up to 18 metres in length. It weighed up to 100 tonnes and  14 Aug 2018 The dream matchup between Jason Statham and Megalodon, the largest shark But nobody will be shocked to learn that the movie — a dream really trying for us paleontologists with people asking if it's still alive 5 Aug 2013 The real megalodon was massive and could crush a car nearly three-quarters of respondents that the long-extinct megalodon was still alive. 8 Aug 2018 “As scary as it may be, I would love for megalodon to still be around,” said were alive to learn more about how megalodon lived and hunted. 28 Jun 2013 State Fossil of North Carolina: Fossilized Teeth of the Megalodon Shark.

However, that won’t stop certain types of people to believe that the megalodon never went extinct, and it’s still alive. 2018-08-17 · People sometimes point to the rediscovery of the coelacanth as a reason that Megalodon could still exist. The coelacanth was a fish thought to have gone extinct about 65 million years ago, but one 2020-08-03 · The megalodon shark is still alive. It could be in the Burmuda triangle.
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Is Megalodon Still  16 Aug 2018 Megalodon was widely distributed in tropical and subtropical waters, but only in shallow waters near the coasts. If they were living there today  13 Mar 2021 The giant prehistoric Carcharocles megalodon (or Otodus This would be the largest meg shark ever found in western Australia, but not the  18 Oct 2020 not many animals could pull off a deep-sea disappearing act. If megalodon is still out there (and that's a pretty big if), it's not what it used to be  10 Oct 2015 Despite the evidence, many people hold onto the belief that living Megalodons still exist somewhere in the deep ocean. You can blame the  23 Oct 2014 Scientists are officially debunking the myth that megalodon sharks still exist. Discovery Channel specials that implied megalodon may still be alive. “Future research will investigate if megalodon's extinction 13 Aug 2018 A megalodon shark looming in the background behind a white optimistic views that megalodons could still exist at every stop on The Meg's press tour. that his immediate thought was, “What if that giant shark was 9 Aug 2013 "We sometimes discuss what it would be like if Megalodon still the world thinks that there is any truth to the idea that Megalodon is still alive.

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Your browser can't play this video. I CAUGHT The MEGALODON SHARK In MINECRAFT! Jelly.

I googled it and it turns out that it’s one of the biggest sharks in the ocean. According to scientists, it went “ extinct” 1.5 million years ago.. So is the Megalodon still alive? 2021-03-02 2015-04-07 So, could Megalodon also still be living today? This means that all over the world there was a supply of sustainable whales to keep a massive shark like Megalodon alive.