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The average salary for a podiatrist is $119,530 per year in the United States. The base salary for Podiatrist ranges from $184,550 to $295,700 with the average base salary of $223,350. The total cash compensation, which includes base, and annual incentives, can vary anywhere from $189,740 to $310,020 with the average total cash compensation of $232,910. 2021-04-13 · An entry level podiatrist (1-3 years of experience) earns an average salary of $159,741. On the other end, a senior level podiatrist (8+ years of experience) earns an average salary of $304,133. $235,573 (NZD) /yr Podiatrist salary in other countries (UK, Canada and Australia) In the United Kingdom (UK), podiatrists are sometimes referred to as chiropodists.

Podiatrist salary

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So we created Salary Rank. We compare the salary of all careers then we give them a rank of A, B, C or D depending on where their average salary sits in comparison to other careers. Thinking of becoming a Podiatrist? Learn more about the role including real reviews and ratings from current Podiatrists, common tasks and duties, how much Podiatrists earn in your state, the skills current Employers are looking for and common education and career pathways. The average salary for a podiatrist is $122,798 per year in California.


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Podiatrist salary

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Another significant leap is when they exceed 10 years’ experience. We’ve identified nine states where the typical salary for a Podiatrist job is above the national average.

2020-01-15 · Nevada average podiatrist salary: $109,560; Kentucky average podiatrist salary: $111,780; Montana average podiatrist salary: $119,040; Colorado average podiatrist salary: $119,190; California According to Payscale, the starting salary for podiatrist professionals is $111,000 per year. After they gain 5-10 years of experience, podiatrists receive $131,000 annually. Another significant leap is when they exceed 10 years’ experience. We’ve identified nine states where the typical salary for a Podiatrist job is above the national average. Topping the list is Washington, with Maryland and Nebraska close behind in second and third. Nebraska beats the national average by 5.8%, and Washington furthers that trend with another $12,815 (9.8%) above the $130,496.
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Podiatrist salary

The national average salary for a Podiatrist is $115,744 in United States. Filter by location to see Podiatrist salaries in your area.

Thinking of becoming a Podiatrist?
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With a podiatrist salary averaging over $100,000 per year, you are guaranteed a comfortable income.

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Low £33,225. High £35,450.

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